Mikaela receiving van keys from Marc Angelo

Mikaela is a single mother caring for her 8-year-old daughter, Xionn, who has Cerebral Palsy, is non-verbal, and uses a wheelchair for mobility. Without an accessible vehicle, Mikaela struggled to get her daughter to critical appointments, and had to rely on 911 to get her to the doctor or hospital when she had a seizure. Mikaela also knew Xionn was missing out on meaningful moments and activities such as visiting with friends and being able to join family at social gatherings or on trips to museums and other enrichment experiences.

Just across town, Marc and Beth Angelo decided to contact Jewish Family & Community Services (JFCS) to see if anyone the agency serves could benefit from their accessible van that they wanted to donate.

“We love JFCS, and our family has supported the agency for many years,” Beth Angelo said. “When our dad Jerrold Rosenbaum got sick and needed medical transportation, we purchased the van to make it easier to get him to appointments. It changed our lives. When he passed, we wanted to provide that same opportunity to someone who would benefit in the same way. We immediately thought of JFCS and called to offer the van to a client in need.”

Colleen Rodriguez, CEO of JFCS, said the van will make a valuable difference in Xionn’s life as she grows.

“When Marc and Beth called to offer their van for a client in need, I knew exactly who it should go to,” Rodriguez said. “This accessible vehicle will help provide logistical relief for Mikaela and will support Xionn as she changes and develops.”

Mikaela said a massive weight has lifted off her shoulders and she looks forward to being able provide her daughter with more opportunities to learn about and enjoy the world around her.

Join us in thanking the Angelo family for their donation!