Child Safety Services
Now serving Duval, Nassau, Alachua, Baker, Bradford, and Union counties.
Each month JFCS has custody of hundreds of children who have been removed from their families due to abuse, neglect, or abandonment. Our goal is to assist with the reunification of the family that is stable and self sufficient and can safely care for the child. We are able to do so through a variety of services and programs:
Parental Training
Supervised Visitations
Counseling and Psychiatric Services
Child Care Referrals
Child Safety Independent Living
JFCS’s Independent Living Program is designed to assist and prepare youth age 13 and over to successfully transition to adulthood and become self-sufficient.
These services include:
Assistance in obtaining a high school diploma
Career exploration
Vocational training
Training in daily living skills, budgeting and financial management skills
Substance abuse prevention and preventive health activity
Child Abuse Prevention
JFCS supervises children not only in foster care but also those placed with relatives and non-relatives, which is often referred to as in-home care. JFCS uses a Family-Centered casework practice model which includes a variety of activities designed to help families strengthen their dynamic and address issues that may threaten their stability. JFCS is able to help an average of 300 children and their at-risk families per month to make the changes necessary to keep their children safe and out of the Dependency Court system.
These services include:
In home parenting support, education and skill building
In home counseling for parents and guardians
Substance abuse counseling and resources
Provide basic needs such as beds, clothing, and baby necessities
Financial management and budgeting education
Family- centered assessments and behavior modification
Case planning and management
Advocating for the family
“Family Treasures”, a communication course
Medical and Dental Services
Foster Care Adoption Program
We help children find new loving homes through adoption when parents are no longer able to provide for them. If you would like to grow your family through adoption we have services that can help you achieve that goal.
We accept referrals from the Department of Children & Families, Jacksonville Sherriff’s Office (JSO), local schools and the Jacksonville community.